Certain financial debts from your past may affect your current federal tax refund. The law allows the use of part or all of your federal tax refund to pay other federal or state debts that you owe. Here are six
Category: Tax Tips
Tax Tips – Dealing with IRS Notices
Each year, the IRS sends millions of letters and notices to taxpayers for a variety of reasons. Here are ten things you should know about IRS notices in case one shows up in your mailbox. Don’t panic. Many of these
Tax Tips – Filing an Amended Tax Return
Ten Facts on Filing an Amended Tax Return What should you do if you already filed your federal tax return and then discover a mistake? Don’t worry; you have a chance to fix errors by filing an amended tax return.
Tax Tips – Eight Facts on Late Filing and Penalties
April 15 is the annual deadline for most people to file their federal income tax return and pay any taxes they owe. By law, the IRS may assess penalties to taxpayers for both failing to file a tax return and
IRS Payment Options
Ten Helpful Tips for Paying Your Taxes Do you owe the IRS this year? If so, here are 10 important things the IRS wants you to know about correctly paying your federal income taxes. Never send cash. If you file
Paying Business Expenses from Personal Accounts
It happens to the best of us. If you have more than one credit card, you may use the wrong one. You’re at a business meeting at a restaurant and you pay with your personal credit card, or you pay
April 15 Tax Tasks
You know Monday, April 15, is tax day. The big job you must complete by this deadline is finishing and filing your 2012 tax return or Form 4868, which will give you an extension until Oct. 15 to file your
Six Tips on Making Estimated Tax Payments
Some taxpayers may need to make estimated tax payments during the year. The type of income you receive determines whether you must pay estimated taxes. Here are six tips from the IRS about making estimated tax payments. If you do
Avoid Common Errors – Last Minute Filers
IRS Tax Tip WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Internal Revenue Service reminded taxpayers to review their tax returns for common errors that could delay the processing of their returns. Here are some ways to avoid common mistakes. File electronically. Filing electronically, whether
Maximize Medical Deductions
Medical costs seem to increase every year. There is a way to get Uncle Sam to foot some of the doctor bills, but you need to make sure you know and follow the rules. The Internal Revenue Service lets you