Taxpayers using Form 8863, Education Credits, can begin filing their tax returns after the IRS updates its processing systems. It was discovered during testing that programming modifications are needed to accurately process Form 8863. Form 8863 is used to claim two higher
Category: Tax Filing
Earned Income Tax Credit
If you earned less than $45,060 (or $50,270 if you’re married and filing jointly) last year, you may qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The maximum credit for tax year 2012 is $5,891. Even if you don’t owe
Filing Status for Married Taxpayers
Married taxpayers may file as Married Filing Jointly or Married filing Separately. Read more information about each filing status in the tabs below.
Tax Filing Documents
Common Income and Deduction Statements Most taxpayers depend on the same basic information to file returns. If you work for someone else, the IRS expects you, and the agency, to get a statement detailing that income. The information is slightly